We are on the way to somewhere - Gliding Barnacals

by Julius Bauer

The sun is going down behind the old ship hangar. People gather to watch the Finals, there is a band playing. Three meter sets are rolling through forming a perfect right hander right in front of the pier. An orange blue sky as a backdrop. It feels like nature is in our favour. Surreal almost. A Surfer in a white jersey, takes off and presses his longboard into a bottow turn followed by a highline, posioning his board in the pocket about to walk to the nose. It does not remind me of a sport anymore. It's ballet. On the greatest stage there is. The ocean. 

We are in the outskirts of Figuera da Foz. Seaside. Cabadelo to be more specific. 140 km south of Porto. 314 km north of Lisboa. It reminds me of my hometown plus the sea. Industrial not posh like Lisboa or Porto. Its beginning of Autumn, the time you want to be in Europe. The Surf is great high period swells and no wind or offshore. Temperatures are still inviting. The Beer tastes good, the Red Wine even better. I see a guy drinking white wine out of a bottle before his heat. Gliding has that seventies charme to it. Something from a forgotten time. Everyone is here for a good time and acts accordingly. Mustaches and banks are dominating the look. I love the way people feel free here, celebrate a culture together, listening to music, create and surf. Gliding in a way is what we are thinking about when we discuss what changed when the internet came along. An event where you can actually connect with people. I hope it stays like that.